Farha Goes Backdoor

All three of the remaining players put in three bets each preflop and the flop came down . James Dempsey was first to act post flop and checked. Yueqi Zhu bet, Sammy Farha called and then Dempsey put in a raise. Zhu and Farha called.
The turn brought the and Dempsey fired out. Zhu called and then Farha called as well.
The river completed the board with the and Dempsey fired out again. Zhu tanked for some time and then tossed in the call. Farha stuck in a raise and sent Dempsey into the tank. Dempsey eventually called and Zhu then mucked his hand.
Farha tabled the for a backdoor flush and scooped the entire pot to move back to just under three million in chips. Dempsey dropped to 2.165 million and Zhu's on about 1.36 million.