More Chips for Katchalov
There was one last big pot on Red 375 to end the night, and it ended poorly for Chino Rheem and Jose de Paz. Rheem raised pre-flop and was called by Paz, Eugene Katchalov and Tony Merksick. After two checks, Rheem continued on a flop of
. Paz and Katchalov called; Merksick folded.
When the turn came , Katchalov led out. Rheem raised and Paz called all in. Katchalov also called. He led out again on the
river. This time Rheem chose to call. Katchalov turned over
, the nut low and a set of jacks. That was better than Rheem's
, two pair and the second nut low. Rheem was scooped for the side pot.
As for the main pot Paz opened
. He had only a pair of four for high and the same nut low as Katchalov. Katchalov therefore got three-quarters of the main pot. He's made a pretty amazing comeback from his lone 1,000 in chips.