Raising Hellebuyck

The table folded around to La Sengphen who pushed all in with her stack of 245,000, then Vanessa Hellebuyck pushed all in herself with her last 168,000 from the button. The blinds got out, and both players showed their hands.
Sengphen held , and Hellebuyck
. The community cards came
, and Hellebuyck's queens held.
A huge roar from Hellebuyck's cheering section followed, settling into a raucous chant of "Va-ness-a! Va-ness-a! Va-ness-a!"
"It appears we've found the crowd favorite," cracked Robbie Thompson, our TD.
Hellebuyck bumps up to 384,000, while Sengphet is now the table's short stack with just 85,000.