Overfield Not Sitting Back

Bonnie Overfield has a below-average stack, but is not content to sit back and wait.
Just now came a hand in which the table folded to Overfield who open-raised all in from the hijack with her stack of 200,000. All folded, and Overfield picked up the blinds and antes.
On the next hand, the table folded to Sidsel Boesen who raised to 27,000 from middle position, and Overfield, sitting to Boesen's left, reraised to 65,000. The others folded, and the action was back on Boesen.
The Danish player peered out from beneath the brim of her black cap at Overfield, hand over her mouth, as she contemplated what to do. Finally after about a minute, she let it go. Overfield moves up over 240,000 as we head to break.