Don't Mess With Tex

Nenad Medic opened to 85,000 on the button and John "Tex" Barch called out of the small blind.
The flop fell and Barch check-called 125,000 from Medic.
Both players checked the on the turn and after the
rivered Barch announced pot then slid 450,000 into the pot.
Medic jumped up in his chair and let out a long sigh.
"Sick, sick hand," he said under his breath. "What do you have you?"
"You call?" Tex said, pretending to start opening his hand.
"No, no," Medic returned.
After a few minutes of deliberation, Medic finally brought himself to fold and tabled aces with the missed, nut diamond draw.
Tex showed us all with a Lone Star sized grin and raked in the pot chipping back up to 1,860,000.