Giang Kicks Lawson
Limit Hold'em:
Under the gun, Ted Lawson open-limped, and David Benyamine followed suit in the next seat over. Chau Giang limped his button, and Phil Ivey knocked the table to take a free four-way flop from his big blind.
The dealer spread out
, and Lawson was the one to fire the first bet. Benyamine folded, but Giang put in a raise. That was enough to fold Ivey as well, while Lawson called the extra bet to proceed in the hand.
Fourth street came the , and Lawson check-called a bet of 1,600 there, and another one on the
river. Giang showed up
for top pair, and it was good. Lawson flashed the
, but his kicker apparently wasn't up to snuff as he sent his cards back into the muck.
Giang - 165,000
Lawson - 140,000