Song and Danzer

Speaking of the those in attendance... German pro George Danzer just took down a pot versus Doug Booth, prompting a chorus or three from the two dozen or so Danzer supporters here to support him. One is waving a couple of medium-sized German flags as well.
The hand began with Danzer raising to 55,000 from the button and Booth calling from the big blind. Both took one. Booth checked, Danzer bet 100,000, and Booth let it go. Danzer chips up to 560,000, and Booth is now at 540,000.
At that point came the song from the German section, the lyrics of which sounded a little like "Go Super Danzer, la la la la la." An order for 20 beers has been put in, we understand, so while there may be more singing, we're less sure about having a better shot at making out those lyrics.