The Grinder Gets Grey

Our two sets of brothers are keeping tabs on each other. Nick Binger recently busted, and passed along some words of encouragement to his brother Michael before he left.
Meanwhile, Robert Mizrachi just called over to his brother, Michael, a.k.a. "The Grinder." Again, Robert was asking for chip count. "27!" said Michael. "97?" said Robert hopefully. "27!" repeated Michael. "How am I gonna get 97 out of these guys?" Michael's table laughed in response.
Then came a hand in which Mizrachi raised to 2,000 from the hijack seat, and David Grey called from the button. Both drew one, then Mizrachi bet 4,000. Grey hemmed and hawed before letting his hand go, flashing a face card as he did.
Mizrachi smiled as he scooped the pot. He'd held ! He now has 30,000.