Six-Way Pot with Four Eliminations!

Who says Limit Hold'em tournaments don't have action in them?!? We just witnessed a massive six-way pot involving Jennifer Tilly, Lonnie Heimowitz and Erik Cajelais that saw four players hit the rail when it was all said and done. Here's how it went down.
Timothy Vansant raised from under the gun and then action folded to Heimowitz in middle position. He made it three bets to go before Joseph Chaplin called from the cutoff seat. Denny Luong was on the button and raised all in for his last 4,000. Cajelais was in the small blind and called and then Tilly called in the big blind. The original raiser Vansant called, Heimowitz called all in for less by tossing in his last 100, and then Chaplin completed the action with a call as well. It took a few minutes for the dealer to divide up the correct side pots and move on.
The dealer spread the for the flop and first up was Cajelais. He bet and then Tilly raised. Vansant made it three bets and then action skipped Heimowitz who was all in and moved to Chaplin. He called the three bets before action skipped the all-in Luong and moved back to Cajelais. He raised and was all in for 4,400. Tilly was next and called all in for her last 4,200 total. Vansant then asked if he could raise one more time and it was ruled that he could. He was allowed to raise to 5,600 and did so. Chaplin was the only other player who still had chips and made the call.
There were four players (Cajelais, Tilly, Heimowitz and Luong) now all in as the dealer dealt the on the turn. Vansant bet and Chaplin called.
On the river, the board was completed with the . Before any action happened between the still-active Vansant and Chaplin, Cajelais got up from his chair, collected his things and walked out of the room. There is a rule that in all-in situations, all cards must be shown at the end so once action was completed, Cajelais could still win the pot. Vansant then bet and Chaplin called, claiming massive pot odds.
And now for the hands...
Vansant flopped sevens full of threes and it held up from there. He was able to get paid off on the latter streets from Chaplin and won the entire massive pot to push his stack to 92,400 chips. Cajelais (who was already in the parking lot), Tilly, Heimowitz and Luong were all eliminated on the hand. Chaplin was left with about 22,000 chips.