Kravchenko Building
Alexander Kravchenko and John Phan were sitting at the same table earlier, and after it was broken, they found themselves sitting down together again. They went four-handed to a flop. Kravchenko checked out of the small blind, the big blind and a player in late position both checked, and Phan bet on the button. Turns out everyone was trapping. Kravchenko raised, the big blind three-bet, and the next player capped it. Phan got out of there asap, Kravchenko called, and the next player called all in.
The turn brought the . Kravchenko bet into the dry side pot, and his one opponent with chips behind called. After the
on the river, Kravchenko bet one more time and got one more call. The Russian showed
for a ten-high straight. The all-in man tossed his cards and left the table, and the third player disgustedly showed his cracked
. Kravchenko took down the healthy pot and climbed to 11,500.