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They may have made it to the final table, and indeed this tournament has been characterized throughout by gentlemanly behavior and a jovial atmosphere, but now that they're here, our players seem to have realized that this is serious, and now they're finding fault.
Terrence Chan was asking Nikki whether the levels are the same length now they're at the final - he's concerned that with all the faffing and slowing down of the action that naturally occurs when cameras and the like are intermittently involved, they won't be getting in the same amount of hands per hour as they were previously. Nikki flatly told him that the levels remained the same throughout, and he settled down once more.
Meanwhile across the table matthew Matros was asking whether he could shift over a little now that they're eight-handed - he seemed to have a table leg or some such getting in his way where he was. He was told it didn't make any difference now, and to go ahead. Some minor shuffling ensued.