Tricky Fricke
By the time we arrived tableside, the flop read and three players were still in the hand. It looked like there had been at least one raise preflop.
Jimmy Fricke, in the under-the-gun position, checked, and the player behind him bet. The third player in the hand raised, and both Fricke and the original bettor called.
The turn was the and it checked around to the player in position who bet. Back to Fricke, who raised. The player in the middle gave up his hand, but the player in position now reraised. Fricke called and they went heads up to the river.
The river came down the and Fricke checked, before calling one last bet from his opponent.
"Nice call," said his opponent , revealing for a straight draw that never came in. Fricke tabled the ever-so-slightly ahead
and took the pot.