Nicholas Phillips Eliminated in 10th Place ($35,327)
We picked up the action on the turn for this hand. When we walked up, the board showed
, and Austin McCormick and Nicholas Phillips had built a pot of about 400,000.
We walked up to the table to see the dealer drop the on fourth street, and McCormick knocked the table. Phillips put out a bet of 275,000, leaving just about 400,000 behind. After just a moment of tank time, McCormick announced an all in, and Phillips reluctantly called.
Phillips was visibly disappointed when he saw that he'd been flushed on the turn, but he still had outs to get there with a full house.
The river was no help at all, however, and Phillips has run out of chips. After a great run with a lot of spectator support urging him on, he's made it all the way to 10th place. It was a fine performance, outlasting more than 2,500 runners, but it seems to be little consolation to Phillips at the moment. He'll have to settle for a $35,327 payday and a grumpy evening at home.