Rock-owitz Crusher
We joined the action on the flop as the dealer was spreading out
. In a heads-up pot, Jesse Rockowitz led out with a two-thirds-pot bet of 10,000. In position, Jason Young made a mini-raise to 20,000, and Rockowitz quickly made the call.
The turn came the , and Rockowitz checked to the raiser. Young moved all in for about 65,000 total, and Rockowitz tank-called after several minutes, having his opponent covered by just one single black T100 chip. Cards up, gents:
Young was well out in front and in fine shape to double up, needing to fade just the two offsuit fives in order to win the pot. The river was most certainly a safe card, and that pushes Young up to a very healthy 244,000.
Rockowitz's final chip went into the pot for the next hand's ante, and he was eliminated.