Swingy Game

Nguyen: (X) (X) /
/ (X)
Mizrachi: (X) (X) /
/ (X)
It's been an up-and-down series of hands for Michael Mizrachi. He's back on the downswing after being losing a big pot to Men Nguyen. Nguyen brought it in on third, then raised after Mizrachi completed. The two players were heads-up to fourth street, where Mizrachi's ace was the high hand. Mizrachi bet and again Nguyen raised. Mizrachi called.
Mizrachi retained the lead the rest of the way. He checked and called a bet on fifth street. He checked again on sixth street, a street where Nguyen tanked for about a minute before checking behind.
Down the river, Mizrachi checked for a third street in a row. Nguyen bet, then showed
in the hole for trip 5s after Mizrachi called. Mizrachi flashed two red nines as he mucked.