Negreanu passes the 50k Mark
Bring In: (X) (X) /
Daniel Negreanu:
Ted Forrest: (X) (X) /
/ (X)
Player 4: (X) (X) /
Daniel Negreanu has climbed towards the top of the leader board after coming out on the better end of a hand with Ted Forrest.
A player brought in and Negreanu bet, getting calls from Ted Forrest and another opponent, with the player who made the bring in folding. On fourth street, Negreanu bet again, and called a raise from Forrest. The other opponent folded and we were heading to fifth street heads up.
On fifth street, Forrest bet and called Negreanu's raise. Forrest bet once again on seventh street and mucked when Negreanu showed his hand, saying, "Your two pair are good."