2009 World Series of Poker
Event 51 - $1,500 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info
Page and Chen see a flop of

The turn brings the

The river is the

The seven previous hands have gone to a single preflop raiser. So far there have been no flops or three bets.
Georgios Kapalas raises to 110,000 from late position and takes down the pot.
Seat 1: Owen Crowe - 1,030,000
Seat 2: Carsten Joh - 875,000
Seat 3: Steven Levy - 2,515,000
Seat 4: * Jason Helder - 2,900,000
Seat 5: Thibaut Durand - 1,420,000
Seat 6: David Walasinski - 700,000
Seat 7: Georgios Kapalas - 1,280,000
Seat 8: Nathan Page - 735,000
Seat 9: Andrew Chen - 1,030,000
* Chip leader
Shuffle up and deal!

The flop comes



The board filled out