Mark Teltscher Eliminated in 13th Place ($32,693)

The turn was the

The river was the

The next hand Teltscher moved all in under the gun and Michiel Brummelhuis called behind. Chad Brown called from the small blind too, only for Matt Hawrilenko to reraise from the big blind. Two callers, and a flop.

Brown checked, Hawrilenko bet, and both Brummelhuis and Brown called.

Again Brown checked to Hawrilenko who bet and Brummelhuis called, but this time Brown raised. A call from Hawrilenko, and a call from Brummelhuis.

Now Brown bet out and Hawrilenko puffed out his cheeks and directed a death stare at the the impassive Brown. He called, as did Brummelhuis.
And strangely for someone who'd been so passive, Brummelhuis was holding the winning hand. He tabled