Oh Dear -- Maier's Playing the Wrong Game
Maier: x-x /

Opponent: x-x /

O'Dell: x-x /

Iverson: x-x /

I came to Brasilia 189 to see one of the PokerNews reporters standing over a four-way pot on fourth street that had lots of bets in the middle already.
"Stud-Eight?" I asked.
"No, Stud High," he replied with some surprise. He recounted the action for me. Maier opened by completing. She was called by one opponent with the

On fourth street, O'Dell had first action and bet all in. Iverson called before Maier raised. That raise drove out the fourth player, but Iverson called.
Maier bet fifth street and was called. On sixth street and seventh street, both Maier and Iverson checked.
"I have 8-7 low," said Maier. And then an expletive slipped out of her mouth as she realized that the game was Stud. O'Dell started shouting at the dealer and the floor person about... something, we're still not sure what, and in the confusion we missed Iverson's hole cards. But his open pair of queens was enough to take down the pot.
Maier's blunder has knocked her back to 130,000 in chips. Iverson is up to 105,000. And O'Dell was eliminated on the hand.