Maier Steels Through Dealer Errors to Scoop


Opponent: x-x /


Opponent: x-x /

Jones: x-x /

What a hand on Brasilia #191. Let's see if we can get all of the action for you.
Lana Maier brought it in. The action was completed by one player, who was called by Eric Kurtzman and a second player before Lacey Jones raised. All four other players called for a five-way pot on fourth street.
Jones retained the lead on fourth. She bet all in and was once again called by everyone. On fifth street, action passed to Maier. She bet out, inducing one fold before Kurtzman raised. That raise was cold-called by the other player remaining in the pot before Maier called as well.
On sixth street, Maier checked out of turn. She tried to bet when the action checked in front of her. Kurtzman protested, drawing a floor to the table. The floor ruled that the check had to stand. All players checked to the river.
On the river, Kurtzman's river card was dealt face up. The next player's river card was dealt face down. Before the deal could be completed, the floor was once again summoned. He ruled that all river cards must be dealt face up because of the dealer error.
The dealer then dealt an eighth card face up to the fourth player before dealing a face up card to Jones and Maier. Once that error was rectified (all cards were backed up), the fourth player still had three closed hole cards and in fact had mixed his cards together. He opened the top one up and everyone was satisfied.
With the deal finally complete, action checked to Maier. She bet and was called in two places. She opened

Maier is now near the top of the counts with about 92,000 chips.