2009 World Series of Poker
Event 13 - $2,500 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

Level: 23
Blinds: 12,000/24,000
Ante: 3,000

Garrett Beckman raised to 48,000 from late position, and Shawn Glines reraised to 145,000 from the cutoff. Gregg Merkow then tanked before shoving all in for 487,000 from the big blind.
Beckman folded, then Glines called, turning over

The board came

But it didn't matter what their hole cards were, as the community cards were

Seat 2 -- Shawn Glines (700,000)
Seat 3 -- Antoine Berube (425,000)
Seat 4 -- Keven Stammen (1,500,000)
Seat 5 -- Gregg Merkow (505,000)
Seat 6 -- Bahador Ahmadi (1,750,000)
Seat 7 -- Matthew Lynn (425,000)
Seat 8 -- Torrey Reily (400,000)
Seat 9 -- Angel Guillen (1,440,000)
Seat 10 -- Garrett Beckman (420,000)

The board came

A short pause now while players are now redrawing for seats around a single ten-handed table.

The flop came

Piro went into the tank. He had only 260,000 left behind. Finally he folded, saying that if we weren't on the final (ten-handed) table bubble, he might've gone for it.
Guillen showed one card, the

Here's a quick look at the current chip counts:
Bahador Ahmadi -- 1,480,000
Keven Stammen -- 1,195,000
Angel Guillen -- 920,000
Shawn Glines -- 765,000
Gregg Merkow -- 700,000
Garrett Beckman -- 650,000
Oktay Altinbas -- 500,000
Antoine Berube -- 480,000
Romeo Piro -- 470,000
Torrey Reily -- 470,000
Matthew Lynn -- 205,000

Tunkel showed

Ahmadi is our clear chip leader now with nearly 1.5 million.