Brandon Moran Eliminated in 8th Place ($107,442)

Brandon Moran has the button in Seat 2. Kido Pham is the first player to fire at the pot, coming in for a min-raise to 80,000. Moran, with his newly acquired chips, thinks for a few seconds before calling from the button. Peter Jetten also calls from the small blind, but the big blind, Michael Mizrachi, throws a wrench in the works by declaring a pot-sized raise to 400,000.
Kido Pham has the first decision after Mizrachi's raise. He tanks for about a minute and then calls. Moran must like his chances against two players, as he quickly moves all in for less than the 400,000 bet, drawing a gasp of surprise from the spectators in the lounge. Jetten is the only one to lay down his hand.
With two live players, Moran keeps his hand closed as the flop comes down



Moran is in terrible shape against Mizrachi's set. The turn

Mizrachi drags a huge pot to increase his chip lead, and in the process sends Moran to the rail to collect $107,442.