2008 World Series of Poker
Event 31 - $2,500 No-Limit Hold'em Six-handed
Day: 3
Event Info


Filtz fires out 100,000 and Minieri flat-calls him quickly.

His turn bet having failed to put Minieri off, Filtz now thinks about it for some time, before betting out 190,000. This time it's enough, and Minieri folds.
Level: 21
Blinds: 12,000/24,000
Ante: 3,000

Dario Minieri checks, Seth Fischer checks, as does Justin Filtz.
Turn =

With Minieri checking for the second time, Fischer decides to bet out for 75,000. It's good enough to take the pot.

Fischer bets out 40,000, and Song calls him. Filtz folds.

Fischer now fires out 100,000. Song shares a joke with the dealer, and then folds.