Heading For the Exit, or the Bar in Raymer's Case, Perhaps

Also OUT is Shannon Shorr, all in preflop with a dominating pair of Kings against his opponent's A-K, but the fateful Ace came on the turn and sent Shorr out to sea. Or similar. Anyway, he's busted.
Mr Greg Raymer is OUT as well - he made it 525 from mid position and the big blind made it 1250; Greg called all in and must have been most upset to see that his K-10 was dominated by his opponent's A-K. No surprising turns of event, and Raymer's gone.
Incidentally, his old seat is now being occupied by Snoopy's favourite, one Kristy Gazes.
And another OUT-age - Mr Erik Seidel, all in preflop with A-10 against pocket kings; no ace and he Seidels quietly away.