Controversy Between Harry Kazazian and Ali Eslami

Kazazian makes a bit of a stutter move, and his chips are out in front of his cards. Eslami takes that as a call and calmly reveals his hand --

Without a moment's hesitation, the dealer calls over the tournament director, and he starts hearing multiple versions of what happened. Kazazian is heated and angry, while everyone else is relatively calm. The dealer points out that Kazazian's chips were out in front of his cards, which, according to the TD, is where the "perimeter" ends. It's a gray area, and since it's ambiguous and another player has acted, he declares it a call and asks the player to put the 8,000 in his hand in the pot.
Kazazian continues to argue, claiming he did nothing unusual, while Eslami says, "Look sir, I'm a professional player. I'm not an angle-shooter. I wouldn't have turned over my cards if it didn't clearly look like a call."
Kazazian argues a few more minutes until the TD orders him to showdown, and the following hands are shown:
The Board:

Ali Eslami:

Matt Russell:

Harry Kazazian:

Eslami takes the high side with a queen-high flush, while Russell and Kazazian split the low side with 8-5-4-2-A.
Kazazian and Eslami continue discussin the situation after the hand, but they are both calm and agreeable by this point.