The Cooler We've All Been Waiting For

Both players have been playing small-ball poker and biding their time. It became apparent early on that a cooler hand would be about the only thing that would put an end to this match anytime soon, and we almost had such a hand.
It began when Justin Truesdell min-raised to 160,000 on the button, which he's prone to do, and Andrew Nguyen looked him up from the big blind. The latter proceeded to check-call a bet of 250,000 and then checked the turn. Truesdell fired out 550,000, but this time Nguyen woke up with a check-raise to 1.3 million. Truesdell made a quick call and it was off to the
Nguyen moved all in and Truesdell made another quick call. Nguyen rolled over for a full house, while Truesdell matched held the same full house (thanks to the river) with
. Nguyen's king kicker was primed to win him a huge pot, but the river had different plans.