Kroon vs. Crain

On a flop of , Eric Crain checked from the small blind and Mark "P0ker H0" Kroon followed suit in the big. The hijack threw out a modest bet of 16,000, which both his opponents called. When the
hit the turn, Crain checked to Kroon, who fired out 47,000. The hijack quickly folded while Crain made the call.
Both players proceeded to check the river and Kroon said, "Two pair," revealing
"Two pair ace high," Crain responded and showed .
"Thanks for not betting 100,000 on the river," Kroon said with a laugh. "Now we're even."
We're not even close to even," Crain responded with a smile on his face, referring to an earlier hand between the two when he doubled Kroon up. We have a feeling there will be some more fireworks between the duo before the day is done.