Flush Over Flush and Dao Now Leads

Level 11
: 500/1,000, 100 ante
On the flop of , Cary Katz bet 4,200 and Miller Dao made the call. The turn then brought the
and Katz fired 10,000. Dao made the call again and this pot was getting big between these two large stacks.
The completed the board on the river and Katz fired 25,000 with 60,900 behind. Dao took a moment and then moved all in, having Katz covered by a little bit. Katz said, "Well, I hope you don't have the king-queen of clubs," and then called.
Dao did in fact have the for the nut flush. Katz tabled the
and a lower flush and was eliminated from the tournament in this massive hand that saw Dao rise to 268,000 in chips.