Vanchiro Out, Ali New Leader

Jeff Zowland opened with a raise from under the gun, and Brian Ali, sitting to Zowland's left, called the raise. It folded back around to Jeffrey Vanchiro in the big blind who reraised all in for his last 135,000. Zowland called the reraise, and when Ali did, too, Vanchiro stood up, his expression showing he didn't like his chances of surviving.
Both Zowland and Ali checked the flop. When the turn brought the
, Zowland checked again, but Ali reached for chips, adding to Vanchiro's pessimism. Ali bet 80,000, and when Zowland folded Vanchiro surprisingly tossed his cards in the muck before the river could come.
Ali tabled his hand -- for a set of sevens. The river came the
, and while Vanchiro had already left an attempt was made to retrieve his cards, as the floor insisted they needed to be shown. It appeared for a moment that he might've tossed a pair of aces, but the players left behind soon decided he could have only had one ace, as he would have been drawing live otherwise.
Zanchiro is out in 23rd place, good for $5,235. Now Ali looks to be our chip leader, the only one in the room at the moment with more than 900,000.