Steve Goff Eliminated in 8th Place ($16,842)

Action folded to Steve Goff on the button and he raised to 33,000. The small blind folded and Kyle Cartwright, who was in the big blind, opted for a raise to 200,000. Goff moved all in for 984,000 and Cartwright quickly called. Just like that, we had the biggest pot of the tournament and it was a classic race situation:
The flop didn't hit Cartwright, but it did provide him a straight draw to any jack. The
on the turn was a blank, meaning Goff would double if he could avoid an ace, king, or jack on the river. The dealer slowly burned and put out the
. Cartwright shot his arms up in the air in celebration while Goff, who began the day second in chips, was eliminated from the Main Event.
Cartwright extended his already monster chip lead to 3.92 million.