Cartwright Extends Chip Lead

Level 25
: 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
On a flop of , Mitch Franks checked from the big blind to his sole opponent, Kyle Cartwright, on the button. The chip leader bet 47,000 and Franks decided to look him up.
When the dealer burned and turned the , Franks checked and Cartwright fired out 83,000. Franks hit the tank for a long time before making the call and watching the
put out on the river. This time Franks check-called a bet of 225,000 and let out a frustrated, "Ahhhhh," after Cartwright turned over
. It was obviously good and Franks simply mucked. He dropped to 350,000 while Cartwright extended his chip lead to 2.3 million.