
Under the gun, Zhen Cai opened with a raise, and the action folded around to the cutoff seat. There, Ari "BodogAri" Engel three-bet him, and the decision came back around to the initial raiser. Cai was undeterred, sliding out another raise to Engel, but the latter came right back with a five-bet for an additional 79,500 on top. Cai had 104,100 chips left in front of him at that point, and he tanked for a minute before six-bet shoving those chips into the middle.
Engel sunk in his chair. "If I swore," he said, "I would swear right now." He apparently had his hand caught in the cookie jar, but here wasn't much of a decision to be made. With more than 250,000 chips in the middle, Engel called the extra bit to put Cai at risk.
flop was a massive hit for Engel, but neither player really reacted much as there were still two cards to come. Cai was looking for a king or a queen to stay alive.
Turn: .
That'll do it! With Cai improving to Broadway, Engel was now drawing dead to a chop. The river was not the two-outer he was looking for, however, and Cai has dragged the largest pot of the tournament.
He's now up to 285,000 and challenging for the chip lead, while that blow knocks Engel all the way down to just 58,000.