Family Pots, Small Ball Action, and Plenty of Checks

Holder's Turn Bet Takes It - 9:19 PM
John Holder raised to 125,000 from the button and Charles "Woody" Moore called from the big blind. The flop came down and both players checked to see the
on the turn. Moore checked and Holder fired 125,000. Moore folded and Holder won the pot.
Another Queen Shown from Holder's Hand - 9:30 PM
For some reason, whenever John Holder folds and has a queen in his hand, he shows it. It's happened numerous times since coming back from dinner and this is another one of those instances.
After completing from the small blind, Holder called Kevin Calenzo's raised to 130,000. Calenzo was in the big blind. The flop came down and both players checked.
The turn brought the and Holder checked. Calenzo fired 135,000 and that got a fold from Holder. Upon folding, Holder showed the
from his hand.
Moore Takes Family Pot with a Pair of Aces - 9:37 PM
Charles "Woody" Moore limped from the button, John Holder completed from the small blind and Kevin Calenzo checked in the big blind. All three players saw the flop come down and action checked to Moore, who had position on his two opponents. He fired 125,000 and only Holder came along to the turn.
The turn card was the and both players checked to see the
fall on the turn. Both players checked again and Moore's
was the winning hand.
Another Three-Way Flop, This Time 100k Each - 9:43
From the button, John Holder raised to 100,000, the minimum amount he could raise to. Kevin Calenzo called from the small blind and Charles "Woody" Moore called from the big blind.
The flop came down with 315,000 in the middle already. All three players opted not to take a stab at it and checked to see the
fall on the turn. After his two opponents checked fourth street, Holder fired a bet of 125,000. That was good enough to win the pot, as both his opponents mucked and he won the pot.
All In Pushed Holder Out - 9:46 PM
John Holder raised to 105,000 on the button and Charles "Woody" Moore made the call from the big blind. The flop came down . Moore checked and Holder bet 135,000. Moore wasted little time in moving all in and Holder, who had about 600,000 behind, quickly mucked.
Holder Holding On - 9:59 PM
John Holder was in the small blind and raised to 110,000. Kevin Calenzo made the call and to see the flop. Holder bet 130,000 and Calenzo folded. Holder has been bouncing between 500,000-700,000 for the past half hour or so.
Chip Counts at the Break
Charles "Woody" Moore - 2,600,000
Kevin Calenzo - 2,120,000
John Holden - 965,000