Ilich Involved A Lot

From the small blind, Drazen Ilich made it 28,000 to go. Charles "Woody" Moore called from the big blind and the flop came down . Ilich fired out 21,000 and Moore moved all in, having Ilich well covered for his last 174,000 chips. Ilich tanked and then folded his hand.
On the next hand, Tuan Bui Le raised to 42,000 from middle position. Action folded around to Ilich on the button and he reraised all in for 172,000. Everyone, including Le, folded and Ilich won the pot.
On the very next hand, action folded to Ilich in the cutoff seat. He raised to 27,000 and Moore reraised all in from the button with his 800,000 chips or so. The two blinds folded and then Ilich also folded, not liking the aggression and pressure applied by Moore.