Manley and Hawkins Stir Things Up

Action folded around to recent World Series of Poker Circuit gold ring winner Kevin Manley in the small blind and he completed. Maurice Hawkins was in the big blind and checked before the flop rolled out . Manley checked and Hawkins checked behind.
The turn brought the and Manley checked. Hawkins fired 1,200 and Manley made the call.
The river completed the board with the and Manley checked. Hawkins fired 1,600 and after a moment of pause, Manley made the call. Hawkins immediately pushed his hand in, mucking because he felt he couldn't win the hand and this is where things got interesting.
The dealer pulled in Hawkins' hand and pushed them into the muck pile, although only about a quarter of the two cards went into the muck. The rest of the stuck out while the player to the left of Hawkins demanded to see what Hawkins had. Hawkins was called on the river and should have to show, but he mucked his hand and it was already pulled into the muck. The player that wanted to see the hand asked for the floor to be called. The floor appeared and made the ruling that the cards were in the muck. Even though the player argued that the cards were retrievable, in the muck, is in the muck. The player threw a big tantrum, ripping his headphones off and complaining that the ruling was ridiculous and that this sort of thing had been happening all day. Another floor appeared on site and made sure to halt the man's arguing and complaints as he was getting close to a penalty with what he was saying towards the dealer.
It was also ruled that Manley did have to show the winning hand, no matter what it was. He turned over the after holding onto his cards while all of this went on and was pushed the pot. Hawkins began asking the player why he wanted to see his hand anyway if he wasn't involved in the pot. The player said he had a right to and complained, "They've been doing this sh*t all day!"
The result of the hand was Manley increasing to 55,000 and Hawkins dropping to 28,000.