Brikis Sidelined

Josh Brikis opened to 20,000 under the gun, and he found calls from Jesus Cabrera (middle position), Tam Ly (small blind), and Bill Stradley (big blind).
The four horsemen took a flop of
, and hijinks ensured. The blinds checked, and Brikis continued out with 40,000. Cabrera folded, but Ly check-raised to 120,000 straight. Stradley ducked out now, and Brikis proceeded to three-bet all in for about 300,000 total. Ly called with his covering stack, and Brikis was at risk for his tournament life.
Stradley commented that he'd folded the other two nines in the deck, so Brikis was going to need to make it work with just one pair.
Turn: . It's an absolute disaster for Brikis, drawing dead and officially eliminated in 20th place. He was already out the door by the time the
landed on the river, relegated to the rail with a small cash to show for his efforts. Ly now becomes the second player to crest a million chips, sitting with 1.02 million by our count.