Brady Can't Catch a Break

Matt Brady opened the pot to 3,200 from late position, and he found a call from the gentleman in the big blind who matched the bet to see a flop.
It came out
, and both men checked. The
turned, and Brady put out a bet of 3,000. His opponent proceeded to check-raise to 14,300, sending Brady deep into the tank as he contemplated the decision for about half his stack. After a couple long minutes, he moved all in for another 13,000 or so, and his opponent instantly called to put Brady on the ropes. And the news was not good:
Looking for a ten but finding none on the river, Matt Brady has been put out of his misery here today. He's running pretty bad these days, and he knows it. "I never, ever flop a queen there unless he has one too," he said on his way out the door.