
As with all tournaments, aggression is an important factor and usually the more aggressive players are the ones who reap the benefits. Lately, there's been a good amount of three-betting going on, including some that involves player jamming all of his chips into the middle. Here are some of the recent three-bets and how they have played out.
Clint Powell opened with a raise from under the gun plus one. He made it 20,000 to go. David Williams was on the button and moved all in for 177,000 when action folded around to him. Play folded through the blinds and back to Powell, who stood from his seat for a couple minutes before folding his hand.
On an adjacent table, Chris Johnson had opened to 20,000 and was facing a three-bet from Lance Oliver to 64,000 out of the small blind. Johnson had opened from early position.Johnson gave it up and Oliver won the pot.
Not all three-bet pots go without a flop though, as this next one between Brian England and Matthew Leecy shows.
From under the gun, England raised to 18,000 to kick things off. In the hijack seat was Leecy and he reraised to 37,000. England made the call and the two saw the flop come down . England checked and Leecy fired 28,000. England asked how much Leecy was playing and then made the call to see the
pair the board on the turn. England checked again and Leecy bet 30,000 this time. England couldn't call and gave it up, dropping back to 785,000 in chips. Leecy improved to 500,000.