Stiglets Sticks It In

Working around the table, a player under the gun limped into the pot. Next to act was Jeffrey Bryan, and he put out a raise to 1,850. John McDonald was up next, and he put in the call. The small blind folded, and Stiglets wasted little time acting from the big. Grabbing his whole short stack, he moved all in for a total of 9,700. The limper and Jeffrey Bryan folded, and action was back on McDonald.
"I don't think I can get away from this one," he said, fingering his chips. After a moment, he made the call, putting Stiglets' tournament life in jeopardy.


Stiglets' first reaction was a big sigh of disgust as he saw that he was racing for his tournament life. "That's okay, you guys folded aces, right?" he asked the table.
Everyone simply shook their heads. The race was on.
With the at-risk player standing to sweat his fate, the dealer ran out the community cards:

Welcome back to the game, Mr. Stiglets.