Bubble Boy?
Purvis wishes Jarreau luck, who laments his precarious position, being at risk of an out-of-the-money finish. "Who are you kidding, nobody here is rooting for me!" he exclaims. "Everyone throw $100 on the floor for me."
From across the room, Marc Fratter hollers, "I'm not going to have $100 until they pay me!" which draws a rare belly laugh from the whole room.
A few players, Ed Jatho and Floyd Vanderford among them, draw $100 bills from their pockets, content to pay Jarreau off to ease the situation in a show of classic sportsmanship.
The hands are turned over, with Purvis showing

Salvation comes on the flop, as the dealer runs a board of

"You all hate me, I'm sorry!" he says, grinning.
So, we're still stuck at 28 for the time being.