Ziyard Catches On The River; Back To Starting Stack

Zimnan Ziyard is back to his starting stack and we think he may have got lucky on the river to do this.
Ziyard opened to 325 from UTG+1 and Ivan Tihov, three seats to Ziyard's left, called. As did Chadi Ojeil from the big blind.
Flop: - Ojeil looked resigned to mucking his hand and nonchalantly tapped the table and checked. Ziyard fired out a continuation bet of 625 and only Tihov called.
Turn: - Ziyard fired another bet. This time he increased the amount to 1,450 and again Tihov stuck around and made the call.
River: - Ziyard wasted no time in reaching for even more chips and this pot was starting to get large. Ziyard finally settled on a bet of 3,175 and Popov instantly called.
Ziyard immediately looked over at Tihov, sensing he was beaten but Popov could not beat the Ziyard turned over. Did Tihov have an overpair? I guess we will never know.