Bennazar Entertains the Crowd, But Doesn't Give them the Exit they Were Hoping for

Another big pot held the game frozen in the last hand for a good ten minutes. Button Paul Bennazar raised to 8,500, and small blind Antoine Amourette threebet him to 18,500. He made the call, and again when Amourette bet 25k on the
flop. The turn gave Bennazar more pause for thought, however, as Amourette bet a big enough stack of pink 5k chips to set his opponent in.
The atmosphere on that table is truly chatty and for the most part missing out on the bubble tension, and this decision proved no exception. Amourette chatted to Bennazar, Patrick Bruel chatted to everyone, and Bennazar looked up and addressed the assembled crowd of press and spectators with what must have been a great couple of one-liners (sadly not understood by me) as they all cracked up.
He finally passed, however, and we're still holding on to our 28th finisher.