Babel No Fish
Nicolas Babel has been gathering chips and fighting his tables right from the get-go today, and his six-figure stack is there to prove it. In the few minutes the tournament has been running since returning from dinner, he's managed to take a pot off Sorel Mizzi (raising him to 8,200 when Mizzi bet out 3,200 on a
flop; he passed with a wince) and knock out Roberto Romanello.
Romanello went out chatting, setting himself as committed preflop after making it 8,200 to go (leaving himself 550). Prior to this bet, Babel had made it 850 to play and received two callers already. He looked at what remained of Romanello's stack, and had it confirmed that, "It's nothing."
"What do you mean, it's nothing? It's something to me!" Romanello expressed in mock outrage before querying, "Would you pass if you miss the flop?"
The answer would probably have been No, but as it happened Babel check-called as Romanello put the last of his stack in with
, saying, "You've hit - be honest, don't lie.." Yes, Babel's
was good and stayed so as the
turn and
river came down. Romanello did try sleight-of-hand-ing one of his own nines in there in place of the river, but the canny dealer (and everyone else) spotted it right away.