Levi Still Among Leaders

Eduards Rakuss opened with a raise to 9,500 from under the gun, then Clement Thumy, sitting to Rakuss' left, reraised to 26,500. It folded to Nicolas Levi in the big blind. Levi, sporting his usual black porkpie hat, checked his cards and took his time before calling the reraise. Rakuss quickly folded, and the two players saw the flop come .
Levi again acted without haste, after a minute or so finally touching the felt with two fingers to indicate a check. Thumy checked as well. The turn was the , and this time Levi spent his period of deliberation pulling off some chips. He bet 37,500, and Thumy pushed his hand away.
Levi is back up to 385,000 now and in the top five, while Thumy has about 155,000.