The Bluff That Wasn't

Two players -- Damien Rony and Nicolas Levi -- had spent a couple of streets betting, thus bringing them to the turn. The board showed , and with much deliberation Rony checked, then Levi checked behind.
The river brought the . Rony again checked -- without hesitation, this time -- and Levi pushed out a bet of 2,000. Rony then sprung into action, counting out some chips, then tossing forward a single 10,000 chip. "9,000," he said, indicating his raise.
Levi shrugged and indicated he was folding, pushing his cards forward. Rony then showed his hand -- . That prompted Levi to grab his cards and table them as well --
. Both laughed loudly, seeing that Rony's modest hand was in fact best.
Rony now has about 34,000, while Levi still appears to enjoy the Day 1a chip lead with his stack of 166,000.