Gomes Vaults Back to Six Figures

Just before the break, Alexandre Gomes won a significant pot against Damien Rony to get back to 100,000.
From early position Rony raised to 1,300. Gomes was next to act and he popped it to 4,000. The rest of the table folded and Rony four-bet to 10,700. Gomes called and the flop came down . Both checked and the
followed on the turn. Rony bet 8,200, but couldn't shake Gomes. The river brought the
and Rony checked. Gomes sat still for about a minute before betting 20,800, sending Rony into the tank.
Four minutes later Rony called, looking absolutely stunned to see Gomes table for trips.
Rony: Down to roughly 28,000
Gomes: Up to about 101,000