Pasqualini Over Inizan

Marc Inizan and Jean-Paul Pasqualini have been sitting side-by-side all afternoon, with Inizan (on Pasqualini's left) having gotten the better of their mostly small skirmishes thus far today.
Just now Inizan opened with a raise from under the gun, and the table folded around to Pasqualini who checked his cards, then chuckled as he had to let go of his hand, showing a deuce as he did.
On the following hand, the table folded around to Pasqualini who completed from the small blind. Inizan checked his cards, then raised to 675. Pasqualini called the raise, and the flop came . Pasqualini bet 725, and Inizan quickly called. The turn was the
. This time Pasqualini checked, prompting Inizan to gather some chips and bet 1,625. Pasqualini called.
The river was the . Pasqualini checked this time, and Inizan made a small bet of 1,275. Pasqualini took over a minute, then called, tabling
for top pair of jacks. Inizan had jacks, too, but his
meant Pasqualini had him out-kicked.
Pasqualini moves back around 22,000 with that one, while Inizan slips back just under the starting stack to 29,000.