While We're at Break...

* Dan Shak tank-folded to a bet of 4,000 from Phil Laak into a pot of 3,000 on a board of

"Would king-ten of diamonds be a bluff?" Laak replied.
"You didn't have king-ten of diamonds," Shak stated flatly.
"It's true, I never stated I had it," said Laak. "I just asked if it would be a bluff."
* Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier has amassed a stack of 91,000 today by winning pots like the following. In position, he was one of two people to call a raise to 600. Everyone checked a flop of

* Hoyt Corkins is on his third table of the day. He's landed at Ray Davis' table. We noted with some amusement as Davis was carrying on in his usual loquacious style, that Corkins is wearing earplugs.