Hand #156 - Carlos Mortensen has the button, he limps for 1.2 million, Morrison moves all in, and Mortensen folds.
WPT $25,000 Championship - Bellagio
WPT Championship Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info
Hand #156 - Carlos Mortensen has the button, he limps for 1.2 million, Morrison moves all in, and Mortensen folds.
Everyone in the room expected Morrison's hand to hold up, but tonight might be Mortensen's night to shine. The room exploded with noise as the Mortensenheads screamed and cheered on their hero when the

Kirk Morrison bit his upper lip and ran his hands through his hair. He knew that was his last chance. He let the chiplead slip away once again and this time, Mortensen won't miss this opportunity to make history.
Carlos Mortensen - 27 million
Kirk Morrison - 5 million

The flop comes

The turn card is -- the

The river card is the

Hand #153 - Kirk Morrison has the button, and he folds.
Hand #151 - Kirk Morrison has the button, he raises to 3.7 million, and Mortensen folds.
Mortensen's fold or move all in method has allowed him to pick up 2M over the last couple hands.
Hand #149 - Kirk Morrison has the button, he limps for 1.2 million, Mortensen moves all in, and Morrison folds.
Kirk Morrison - 20 million
Carlos Mortensen - 12 million

Hand #147 - Kirk Morrison has the button, and he folds.