2019 WinStar Labor Day River Poker Series

Tried to set mine OMC TT BUT, folded in MW flop on 863???? flop

Limped pot called turn probe with NFD river when check check he had 2 pair trapping
ISO ATs v UTG loose limp TD
Lost blinds

Raise A??8?? UTG1 and get called by LJ, BTN, and SB
F 995????
Checks to H who bets 500/2000, LJ and SB Call
T 6o
Checks to H who 1800/3500, LJ and SB call
R 8o
Checks through H loses to SB��s Q9o
Also lost blinds

R 22 UTG 2 HJ and BUT C
B3BQ on QJ2ss 800/1700 HJ C BUT 2500, Hero 7800

SQZ QJ???? v CO BTN & SB limps to 1400, CO calls.
F A??Q8????
Check, he bets 1500/3200, I Call
Turn 9o
Check, He insta jams 16000/6400, F

Open A3o CO Both blinds call face a probe 600/700 on 852????7???? call fold on 9o 1000/1900

Raise prove with AK on K73rJ 3 way 30% vs a 40% probe and get a snapfold from a Jx
alittle turblance early levels stay focused and crush